Following Recommended Intervals for Your vehicle
August 18, 2024
If you're reading this article in Pelham, Alabama, then you probably care about your vehicle and how it runs. Even though you care, there is still that moment of dread when your professional service advisor at Tuffy Pelham tells you the manufacturer recommends some additional service. Your heart... More

Trickle Down Technology
July 14, 2024
Recently, Nissan introduced the latest version of its Leaf, the company's electric car. It has many new features, including something called e-Pedal. It allows the driver to let up on the accelerator and, unlike a gasoline engine car, the Leaf doesn't just slowly lose speed; letting off the throt... More

Hold the Oil! (Oil Pan Gasket Replacement)
June 16, 2024
You've likely heard how important oil is to your vehicle's engine. Did you know that there's one part that's responsible for holding that oil so you can use it every day? It's called the oil pan, and it sits at the bottom of the engine. The oil pan is a vital, though simple, part of your engine's... More

Clean Air for Your Engine: Engine Air Filters In Pelham
November 19, 2023
Every Pelham car owner who has taken their car in for an oil change has been told that their engine air filter's dirty. Here's what goes into the determination of when to change the filter: First, your vehicle owner's manual will have a recommendation of when the filter should be replaced. So be... More

Synthetic Oil for Pelham Autos
September 10, 2023
If you are a driver in Pelham and you aren't currently using synthetic motor oil in your vehicle, maybe now's the time to consider it. Need more information? Well, synthetic motor oil is a substitute for petroleum based oil. Synthetic oil doesn't gel or gum-up like petroleum based oil and it do... More

The Maintenance Free Myth
July 30, 2023
Sometimes we hear people in Pelham say, "What's up with all this maintenance stuff? Modern cars just don't break down." While it is true that today's vehicles are extremely reliable, they are also becoming increasingly complicated and use more exotic materials than ever before. All that complexi... More

I Can See Clearly Now: Wiper Blade Replacement in Pelham
June 4, 2023
About 90% of our driving decisions in the Pelham area are based solely on what we see. So having a good pair of windshield wipers is extremely important.Most Pelham drivers have experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm, or when our vehicle windshield is... More

New School: Automotive Tuffy Pelham Technician Training
February 19, 2023
Pelham consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want vehicle repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.Today's vehicles have mad... More

Can Your Car Last Another Year?
October 16, 2022
Have you checked out the price of new vehicles at Pelham car dealers? Ouch! Add financing and insurance and a new ride may not seem so attractive. A lot of Pelham, Alabama, folks are hoping to make their cars last a lot longer.Fortunately, with the current state of automotive engineering and man... More

The Importance of Pelham Drivers Following Service Intervals
June 5, 2022
Today in our Tuffy Pelham blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life in Pelham with recommended intervals: Let's start with twice yearly dental check-ups and regular physical exams. How about laundry, watering the lawn... More