Automotive Tips from Tuffy Pelham: Serpentine Belt System Wear
May 28, 2023
The primary job of the serpentine belt for Pelham drivers is to provide important traction to spin the accessories. As the belt wears it loses some of its grip and the accessories may not spin at optimal speeds. For example, if your alternator doesnt spin fast enough, the battery will not complet... More

Automotive Tips from Tuffy Pelham: Serpentine Belt Tensioner
May 21, 2023
The serpentine belt tensioner applies pressure to the serpentine belt, maintaining optimal tension to drive the accessories like the alternator and A/C compressor. At Tuffy Pelham we know that the service life of the belt tensioner is the same as the belt itself, so they should always be replaced... More

When Are Your Tires Worn Out?
May 14, 2023
Hey Pelham area drivers, are your tires worn out? What is the standard for our Alabama streets? How can you tell on your vehicle?While there may be legal requirements for the Pelham area, there are safety concerns that go beyond meeting minimum replacement mandates.Two-thirty-seconds of an inch... More

Heat and your Tires (Tire Pressure Monitoring System)
May 7, 2023
With hotter weather and brutal heat waves becoming more common, the pressure in your vehicle's tires goes up. After all, heat causes air to expand, and the air in your tires follows the laws of physics. Overinflated tires can reduce your vehicle's traction, cause a hard, punishing ride and make ... More